Most races are done through Be sure to check them out for more info on how to get in on the action!
Before starting you should familiarize yourself with the ALTTPR Racing Council’s General Racing Rules, however individual tournaments or races may have rules that vary. Check with the competition first to make sure you’re in the clear!
The ALTTPR Ladder is a 1v1 Elo Ladder, "ALTTP Randomizer" league, running completely on Discord. The system is designed to do several 1v1 races throughout the day, and rankings will be based on standard Elo 32k weights.
SpeedGaming operates a daily race series, which are ran on Check out their upcoming schedule of dailies.
The Overworld Glitches Weekly runs at 10:30pm Eastern every Wednesday on
Scheduled races not fitting in with your schedule? Looking to race with some more uncommon options? Join a pickup race! You’ll find willing players at all hours of the day. Join the #race-planning channel in our Discord!
Join us for exciting tournament action with expert commentary alongside elite play! Tournaments are operating all the time, join Discord to stay up to date!
Witness the best racers compete for the trophy and win themselves a coveted place on the Houlihan Telepathic Tile! Think you have what it takes to go toe-to-toe with the best? Join the ALTTPR Tournaments Discord and keep an eye out for qualifying races!
The Challenge Cup is an overflow tournament for those who did not qualify for the main tournament.
The ALTTPR League is a yearly team-based ALTTPR Tournament. Players form teams of three to compete head to head with other teams using various game settings.
Go Mode Podcast operates a yearly tournament intended for brand new players. Players have a mentor to help them with at least some of their races, with the intent to prepare players for tournaments big and small.
The ALTTPR Spolier Tournament is a yearly tournament that gives the player the spoiler log to study before the race! This tournament is a test of execution and decision making abilities!
ALTTPR Glitched Tournaments focuses on tournaments that involve the use of "major glitches" to beat the game in fun and unususal ways!
The ALTTPR Crossworld Keysanity Tournament is a tournament for Crossworld entrance shuffle, plus keysanity (aka "Crosskeys"). Players put their note taking and memory to the test to be the top player of this mind-bending mode!
Si vous cherchez des passionnées francophones de ALTTP Randomizer, n’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre sur notre Discord. Il y a toujours des gens prêts à vous donner un coup de main. Il y a souvent des courses amicales qui s’organisent de manière impromptue, et il y règne une bonne ambiance.
Nous organisons habituellement un gros tournoi par année, ainsi qu’un micro tournoi à l’occasion. Surveillez le Discord pour être au courant des développements
Chaque semaine, une course hebdomadaire entre francophones à lieu. L’horaire est voté par les joueurs sur le Discord de la communauté francophone puis annoncé, au plaisir de tous!
Auf dem Discord der deutschsprachigen ALTTPR-Community gibt es alles, von Anfängertipps über freundschaftliche Rennen bis hin zu Turnieren.
Es wird ca. einmal im Jahr ein großes Turnier für neue und erfahrene Spieler organisiert. Dazwischen gibt es unregelmäßig kleinere und ausgefallenere Turniere. Ankündigungen und alle Informationen gibt es auf dem Community-Discord.
Jede Woche findet ein größeres Rennen statt, in dem man sich gegen andere Spieler aus der Community messen kann. Neben Open werden auch andere Modi gespielt, die immer durchwechseln. Auf dem Discord gibt es alle Informationen zu den nächsten Rennen und zur Teilnahme.
Unete la comunidad Hispano-Hablante.
Unete al Discord de Alttpr-ES donde podras seguir todo lo referente a esta comunidad, o encontrar alguien para jugar una carrera en cualquier momento.
Unete a nuestro torneo anual de la comunidad hispano-hablante, un buen momento para jugar, comentar o pasar un buen rato haciendo amigos.
Participa en nuestras carreras semanales en colaboración con SpeedgamingEspañol. El sitio perfecto para iniciarte en retransmisión de carreras ya sea jugando, comentando, trackeando o en el chat entre amigos.
En nuestro Discord también podras encontrar carreras Semanales Asíncronas que puedes hacer como y cuando quieras, pudiendo así compararte con miembros de la comunidad, la mejor forma de empezar a correr Randomizer con otra gente.